
Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Cover is Born...

When I started writing Tears in the Rubble, I'll be honest, I didn't have a title.  I didn't have any cover ideas.  I didn't really have any idea where the story was even going.  I just had people living in my head.  Yes, I realize that sounds kind of crazy but it's the truth.  Sometimes there are just characters that start talking to me and I can't ignore them.  They won't let me.  A friend of mine challenged me to write a short story using these characters and it just kept growing.  In about a month it will be available for anyone to read, and I can't believe it.

Now, I have a cover to show everyone thanks to Rebel Ink Press and their cover artist.  I couldn't be happier and I pretty excited to share it today.  I hope everyone else loves it as much as I do. 


  1. Congratulations, Britni! Your excitement comes through your posts. I'm hoping one day to feel that excitement myself - but I gotta quit recreating the thing and just get it out there, right?

    I work with a member of your family and she told me this was coming out. I'll be there to get my copy on the 17th. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. Thank you so much! I truly am excited. I don't think it has actually hit me yet. I can't wait to see what everyone thinks. And yes, at some point you just have to get it out there. Good luck!

  3. Love the cover for your book! I'm very excited to read it. Congratulations again!
